Sasquatch videos, bigfoot videos, bigfoot evidence, bigfootvideo, bigfoot coverup, is bigfoot real, does bigfoot exist, florida skunkape, skunk ape, proof of bigfoot, bigfoot photos, bigfoot videos, Sasquatch, sasquatch, sasquatch shooting,
Open your eye's to the truth.....
Open your eye's to the truth.............. Bigfoot has been validated...they haven't told us
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Myakka Expedition
These are the facts...they are indisputable at this point having witnessed these events myself. We were not in this park more than two hours and we found our first track, right on the side of a main trail. Within an hour of finding the track and following some simple common sense theory, we encountered the skunk ape and my son, Christopher, the non-believer, saw it and became a believer.
Theory used: "Find their prey."
1. "The lion never strays to far from the Gazzel"
"My refrigerator is in my house."
2."They don't like to be out in the open, but will choose a vantage point that gives both safety from us and maintains opportunistic advantage."
You can literally walk within 10 feet of these things and never know it.
We were within feet of it, could sense it's presence and it grunted. my son heard it as he was closer, we zeroed in on the approximate area and charged in.
3. Flush it out.
A game of cat and mouse that lasted approx. 45 minutes began and ended with a sighting.
Click on the link below or
Go to You-tube, Put my name ( Mark Zaskey ) in the search field and watch all of this unfold.
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Expedition results from
Track number one lots more to follow including a sighting
by Christopher Zaskey.
We were absolutely stunned to find this track so nearby a public area.
Literally dozens of hikers pass this spot every day. With a track that fresh,
We opted to come back and cast it later in the afternoon, thinking the creature could still be in the area, we were right.
Friday, August 10, 2012
Upcoming Expedition
As the sun goes down the animals come out. Due to the thickness of the surrounding canopy and hammocks, most of the activity you hear everywhere you can not see.
It is like a symphony of wildlife that I've never heard before.
Any night time excursions away from camp should be an exercise in fear control. The wild hogs and deer are so used to humans they just act like your not even there. The area boasts dozens of sightings in the last two decades and all of my research indicates that we are in for a couple of very interesting days and nights.
Results to follow, Keep your fingers crossed.
![]() |
Big Red lives there |
Monday, July 30, 2012
Common Sense
From the time we're born to the time we die we live what we learn.
Fact, It seems is almost always determined by someone with an agenda of control.
Human existence has always been controlled Psychologically, very much the same way a parent will attempt to control a child, by those with the most power. Civilization must be a controlled dynamic, or as we see in other countries, utter chaos can take over quickly. one of our greatest weapons we have as a country is our ability to dis-inform those we wish to control or manipulate.
It's no secret that certain branches of our government that "shall not be named," have been instrumental in dismantling the established state of being in other countries in the past, in order to acquire certain resources.
Namely the power of the people or slaves that lived in that area. You see... the real resources in a country, any country, are the humans that live there.
We can all see our dependence and need for natural resources but it is so obvious that it takes manpower to physically get all these resources.
Disinformation, propaganda, lies and deceit are the only way to motivate men to do the horrible things that men do to other men.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Monday, July 2, 2012
Legend and the uneducated opinions of millions of skeptics
"Abominable Snowmen: Legend Come to Life."
Renowned Zoologist Ivan T. Sanderson explains his experiences and obsession with the the existence of Sub-human cultures.
Sanderson, who collected specimens around the world for 4 decades for the Smithsonian institute and other respected museums, is very straightforward in his opinions and provides the most comprehensive and scientifically sound explanations for our sightings history and the possible disbursement of these creatures the world over.
Although I never met the man I have come to respect him for the amount of time and effort he put into this body of work. In my years as a researcher I have referred to his in-depth examination of this very important subject many times as a sort of bible on the subject.
He was one of the first men alive to have an almost unlimited access to researching this subject due to the nature of his career as a collector and document-or of both known and previously uncatalogued species.
This guy's job was finding things that were known and that as of that moment, were only rumored to exist.
The weight of this man's opinions on the case for the existence of Sasquatch cannot be dismissed, this is the guy who's opinion's count the most. He was an expert.
You should know.... he didn't start out his career a believer. In fact,
He had no Idea this phenomena existed, yet as he traveled collecting various species and more and more people in remote villages around the globe continued to approach him with information that pointed to a real creature, he simply could not dismiss it. He started to keep a file on it.
after considerable time and effort it was apparent that all these peoples were describing the same creatures.
It seems he was particularly fond of our own American Indians or Amerinds as he refers to them many times in his book on the subject. You can tell that over the years he developed a great respect for our native tribes and their opinions on the subject.
If you don't know what to think about all of this and you would like to leave the shallow pool of dismissive thinking I recommend you buy his book as well as Dr. Jeffrey Meldrum's work of scientific examination on the subject.
"Nothing can ensure a man's everlasting ignorance to his own reality as contempt prior to investigation."
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
The proximity of this population of unclassified human-like creatures to human habitations is definitely a well kept secret. However, recently I took a look into a sighting at a 20,000 acre preserve that sits on the border of at least 25 different housing complexes and it struck me like lightning...
People just aren't looking for them in their backyard.
Our media has done a good job in cultivating and nurturing a social anxiety that now perpetuates itself.
I spoke to a young man yesterday who upon hearing that I was a researcher came forward with a sighting report.
The sighting took place in South Eastern Ohio a little over two years ago.
He and his friend were at a local fishing spot that is literally right on the side of a main road that is well traveled. The two young men, both in their early twenties, were sitting on the edge of the bank, fishing poles in hand when just across the river on the opposite bank, a large tree just inside the corn field but clearly visible by both men, began to whip back and forth so violently the leaves were falling off of it.
The two boys stood and watched in amazement. The movement abruptly stopped and as the boys stared at the tree, a very large, wide shouldered, hairy man-like creature rose up above the corn and stared at them. The creature then shrugged it's right shoulder as a man would to relieve the stiffness after a sudden unexpected activity that caused some discomfort. They all stood for a second staring at each other, the creature snorted loudly, turned and disappeared into the corn.
This happened within a quarter of a mile of the downtown area of the little town.
My own experience two weeks ago happened within earshot of a major highway and one thousand yards or so from an upscale golfing community.
I'm not implying that Sasquatch are moving in on our territory but I am a firm believer that our territory has encroached on what may have been and apparently still is some of theirs.
The fact is that here in S. Florida, most of the remaining forest is connected, and almost all of it run's through communities or borders major cities. It seems odd to me that certain preserves have been set aside forming a "corridor" for them to travel the length of the state unnoticed.
Whether that was intended or just a coincidence I cant say, I have my thoughts. If you live on the border of one of these preserves, you may have already seen one, contact me. If you haven't, you may one day wake up to a BIG surprise on you back porch. Either way,
"It's amazing what you don't see when your not looking."
Monday, June 25, 2012
Who's gonna do it?
My next expedition will be on Wednesday. I'm looking at an area that I found two prints and got a return call back in. It's some of the thickest Jungle/forest in Southeast FL. If it's still there, Tomorrow will be the day all this speculation ends. I'm gonna confront it.
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Conviction's Warm Blanket
I tried to illustrate the volume of evidence and strength of our position on the facts of the case. I could see I was getting no where so I smiled and let it go.
Afterward, two of the thee hecklers returned to me and stated that they always "knew it was real," "that thing in the Patterson movie." and they hoped I was the one to prove it.
As they walked off I realized that they had literally allowed the insecurity of one individual to prevent them from really sharing their thoughts on the subject. As researchers we are victims, at this point, of a state of mind comparable to "McCarthyism" and although do to a mild popularity this stigma has been somewhat lightened in it's social acceptability, the fact remains that most people are probably to busy staring at their next purchase to give a gnats worth of intelligent observation to our case for the existence of this creature.
As for me..... my conviction is a warm blanket in the cold of what is deemed socially acceptable by a few individuals that are in reality responsible for covering all this up. People are so predictable control is literally a forgone conclusion. Keep the Faith Brothers and sisters our day is coming.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
End of Day
I'm wondering how often these things come out to the highway or try to cross. I'd be willing to bet, it's a lot more times than we think. Central Florida is sexy squatch land! We fished and hiked all day long. Next stop...West coast of Florida, soon. Meantime, S. East Florida!
Florida Turnpike
The other day My companion and I were traveling the "Pike" when it suddenly occurred to me that from Ft, Lauderdale to the stretch we Paid our final toll was over a hundred miles and 4 separate counties.
It occurred to me that there have been sightings in all four of these counties on the turnpike. Of course each of the 4 counties had many many other sightings listed on the database I regularly check for updates, but the nature of these Turnpike sightings was very telling. They seem to fall into two categories.
1. The creature was traveling. They use the Turnpike and the surrounding forest along its length as a means to travel the length of the state of Florida an remain concealed the whole time.
2. The will reveal themselves on the Turnpike for a good reason; To feed on road kill. The Ft. Drum Sighting. Squatch observed by motorist hovering over dead dear on side of Turnpike in Ft. Drum area.
They will just walk out of the forest from the side of the road right in front of your car. They have been struck on several occasions by cars and in at least two that I know of the squatch objected to being hit by the car and retaliated violently by beating the shit out of the vehicle.
This sighting in particular, however ridiculous sounding, is a landmark sighting and one of my favorites to refer to because as the motorist sat helpless gripping the steering wheel as his car was being ferociously brutalized by a creature that is not supposed to exist, a Florida Highway Patrol Officer happened to arrive on the scene.
He unloaded a full clip into the Irate creature and watched it bound off into the swamp like he was packing a sling shot instead of a 45.
Turnpike sightings include a truck driver that was almost pulled from the cab of his rig at a turnpike rest stop and many, many others. I keep my camera close and my eyes on the treeline always. I don't think this is a very common occurrence but based on the facts, It does happen.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
commenting is allowed
Monday, June 18, 2012
On That Day...
control of public lands
They are closing large tracks of land, using lame excuses to do it and flat out controlling the comings and goings of visitors that announce their intentions to research the possibility that Bigfoot's not only frequent the park, but also live there year round.
I spoke to an "employee" that answers the phone when you call the main office, she said she had worked there for seventeen years.
I asked her about any recent sightings in the park. She declined to answer. I asked her to verify a few landmark sightings including one that involved tour buses and over a hundred witnesses, she got nervous and referred me to her boss. She put me on hold for five minutes or so and then said he had gone home for the day.
I called back again and finally got him on the phone. I introduced myself and asked him flat out what the official policy of the park was on the subject. He stated that they had no official policy, and kept no official records of the phenomena.
I stated that that could be dangerous for the hikers and campers and that's when the conversation got interesting.
He then said the words "Our Researcher" I interrupted and said "Your Researcher? YOU MEAN TO TELL ME YOU HAVE A RESEARCHER ON STAFF!?"
He recanted, stumbled over his words for a second and made the following statement; "We are just happy that If these things exist, they have a safe place to be without being bothered." I persisted in my line of questions to no avail. He then stated that if I was coming to the park in an official research capacity, I would need to call ahead and apply for permits, and would possibly be denied the permit. Why? I asked him to which he would not respond. I said I would call him back if I needed any thing else and hung up.
This is perhaps the most enlightening conversation I have had to date with an official of any area I have researched in. My conclusions are as follows;
1. Big Cypress Preserve Is home to a resident population of Sasquatch.
2. Park officials and controlling Government organizations are aware of their presence in the park.
3. They are either allowing sub-contracted professional researcher's access to Non-access areas or they keep a researcher on staff that has cart-Blanche in the park.
4. We, the public, the owners of the preserve, are being lied to.
5. We have no control over our own rights to our natural resources, or access to those natural resources, including any new species that are as of yet still not officially recognized by the very people concealing them from us, the people who pay them to do it.
Nice HUH!
Further examination of other anomolies in my expedition photos
Although I realize that probably no one will believe any of what is shown and said here on this blog, especially other researchers, and that I'll probably be labeled crazy or a fake,
Please understand I'm simply forwarding images that appeared in my pictures, I have no explanation for this, and as a researcher of these creatures, I find it difficult to believe that something like this could just be an illusion in the forest. Why this shape? Why doesn't it show up anywhere else in any other photo's?
I offer no conclusions to be judged on this image, and hope that since none of you have commented on any of my posts so far, you will continue to do the same. This first image is the full shot of the treeline mid way up about a hundred yards away.
If you look carefully at the entire image closely, you will see a uniformity in color throughout the entire photo, except one small area. The color is white, a small spot up in a tree in the lower middle left side of the photo. This drew my attention at first because that color appears to not belong in the tree.
It also appears at first glance to bulge off the side of the tree it is nearest.
So... I zoomed in, here is what has appeared in the zoomed in "white" area.
What the F***k! |
We are going back.
Friday, June 15, 2012
South Eastern Florida is active
I followed the worn trail into the thick cover for about 300 yards and came upon an area that looked and smelled "lived in." It smelled like urine mixed with skunk, mixed with the worst ass/b.o. I ever had the misfortune of breathing in. I stood there quietly listening and decided to make a few calls.
I grunted as loudly as I could twice.
Immediately Something in the jungle about 50-60 ft away whooped twice back at me and started moving around violently. I nearly shit myself!
Suddenly All of this didn't seem like such a good Idea any more. In spite of my anxiety i held my ground and remained quiet. A few seconds passed and I heard it very clearly moving off through the brush up ahead of me. I turned and ran back the way I came in. I was freaked out beyond words.
I'm gonna go back, this time not alone.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Photos and the Next Days activity
view of the right side of clearing
The view straight ahead, Treeline approaching 120 ft tall, about 300 yards away.
Having followed these subtle signs into this area, I began to take pictures all around us. We only stayed for about a half an hour as my hiking partner began to get panicky for some reason and the sun started to fade. We started to walk back toward the entrance and abruptly I turned and snapped this photo in the right side of the treeline
This Photo is zoomed in and I applied a blue filter to the image to reduce the shadows.
The fact that we followed the signs of arranged tree trunks and broken off branches to this area and caught this image leaves me speechless. We still hadn't examined our photo's yet. So I thought the area was old or a bust, until the next day.
I returned the next morning alone. In spite of my hiking partners plea's.
Still they were around 15 inches or so long and were pressed in and washed out and dried. The step length was around 55 or 60 inches through the lake bed and around 3 inches deep in the grassy mud.
In viewing the photo of this track keep in mind the grass in the clearing is waist high every where and thick, my trail was easy to follow from the knockdown grass. Visible through this area were Hog tracks, Deer tracks and something else that was big, heavy and walking barefoot on two legs.
I'm confident the area is active and will be returning soon to implement a new type of research campaign.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Expedition Results
I went on three separate expeditions in three different areas of the state of Florida.
Two of these expeditions proved to be viable habitat for these creatures and in one spot we caught an image that after considerable examination and color enhancement, could only be a Sasquatch. I'm sure there will be skepticism and comments to the validity of this image, let me reassure you, it is not faked or hoaxed in any way.
I take my research very seriously and would never participate in any misleading activities.
(Expedition one: South Eastern Florida)
Location: Classified
Expedition Goal: Determine if viable habitat exists to support creatures, if so, obtain video/photo evidence of creature.
The Area is cypress swamp and impassible in most spots as well as illegal to traverse in some areas as of late.
Excellent habitat for creature, with possible signs of activity in area; We saw bent saplings, and twisted off or arranged tree formations. The area also has a sighting report in 2003 by husband and wife and two Park Rangers.
Evidence: Inconclusive for now.
I will be back in area on regular basis to monitor activity.
(Expedition Two: North Florida) as seen above
Location: Classified
Expedition Goal: Determine if viable habitat exists in area to support resident population of unknown species of Hominid, Obtain photo/video evidence of creature.
The forests of Northern Florida are a dense and expansive habitat.
With limited human activity in much of this impenetrable rich environment, one can only assume that these creatures could exist without human encroachment into their territories.
We hiked into an area on a main trail, found a well used game trail about a mile in and entered the heavy thick timber off our "safe" trail. It was incredibly difficult to walk through. Ticks and spiders were all over us the entire time, It was UN-nerving, still we pressed onward deeper into the interior. The forest was silent save our footfalls and brush noise which was incredibly loud and impossible to avoid making given the density of the canopy and the depth of the vegetation we traversed. At no time in the off trail segment of our hike, were our legs visible below our waist. This created a feeling of anxiety for snake bite that pumped through me like never before.
About another mile or so of off trail negotiation and we came upon a very large clearing surrounded by heavy forest, the entrance is in the photograph above.
At one time the area was a lake, but it dried up for the most part.
Keeping in mind the cryptic/curious nature of our quarry, we entered the open field and I started snapping off photo's all around us.
We walked and talked aloud hoping that if they were there somewhere, our obvious noise and clumsiness would draw them out to the treeline for a peek. We walked and I would turn around and snap photo's of the treeline behind us and to the sides. Before we left the area the same way we came in, I took this photo of the treeline behind us.
A good view of the right side of a living, breathing Sasquatch changing position to keep concealed from my advance.
It's seems impossible to me that a shadow could imitate the exact description of a Sasquatch so perfectly, including the color of the fur. This is the exact description that has been given so many times by credible eyewitnesses. It also looks exactly like the creature in the Patterson footage.
Note the brownish black coloration of the hair, the coned head, the length and shape of the arm and forearm, wrist, hand and the muscular thigh.
It seems like as I abruptly turned to take the photo, it was watching from the shadowed treeline and I must have spooked it. It appears to have stood up to retreat in case I approached it. I never even saw the thing until I examined the photo a week later. I estimate the creature to be between 8 1/2 and 9 ft tall, weighing over 500 lbs.
Had I actually seen it, I don't know what I would have done. It was at least a Hundred yards away in the treeline, I have very poor long distance vision and don't have glasses or contacts.
As researchers we prepare for this moment, as men we tend to react instinctively when it happens. I would like to think that had I been aware of it's presence, I would have behaved scientifically and remained calm, but I can't say for sure. It's gigantic proportions lend a great deal to the imagination and what it could have done to both myself and my hiking partner.
These things are smart and adept in their ability to stay concealed and quiet when they want to. It seems to me, having lived to tell the tale that it could have done whatever it wanted to us, but instead chose to watch us, or possibly make sure we didn't approach the groups territory. I suspect if we had, we would have been wondering where the rocks were coming from and who was throwing them.
Conclusions: North Florida is home to an unclassified species of Gigantic upright human-like primate, also known as Bigfoot.
Evidence: Photo
Whether you believe or not is of no consequence to the facts.
The world is not flat.
Friday, May 25, 2012
The smart ape
In reviewing my theories on the "De-evolution of the human race," I have found several others including the author of a book that's due out on the subject, that support my point of view.
I have begun my own examination into some of the supposed video evidence that is accessible online. most of the evidence I've reviewed is questionable, but some of it falls into the "wow" category.
The smart ape exists, it is a fact. It is also a fact that the cognitive skills and the speed with which these ape-men are processing information is ten times that of the Idiot behind the camera struggling with the gnat's in his face. This week I reviewed some footage that if watched with a trained eye, clearly displays two squatchs' toying with a couple of researchers and even using possible practiced or planned strategy to confuse and elude the intruders.
If we are going to prove the existence of this race of people that undoubtedly can run circles around us in a forest...we will have to take our research techniques to a level that previously we could not.
Until then...we will be reviewing poorly shot 3 second video sequences of a blob squatch. Follow the link below and watch video to get a better understanding of what is really going on in YOUR forests. This is why we haven't proved they exist conclusively
Monday, May 21, 2012
Cautionary Tale
The Norseman Leif Ericson kept a journal, as all sea going men do. Anyone that's ever read anything about Norseman can tell you that these guy's were absolute badass's.
For a very long time they sailed the Atlantic ocean conquering all they encountered. Their size, power and skill as warriors was feared the world over. They were unstoppable.
They earned the nickname "Berzerker's."
The point is, these very large, very tough guy's were in fact also the first Europeans to try and settle the shore's of North America. They landed on an Island off the coast of Canada that's now called Newfoundland.
They started to build a settlement and while exploring the island came across what they, the very large, fearless Berzerker's describe as a race of:
"Huge Hairy Giant's living in the forests of the Island."
Ericson himself says "They were much larger than he and his men, foul smelling and let out a Deafening shriek."
Apparently these battle tested killer's themselves deemed the island a bad investment.
The settlement was abandoned.
This is not fiction, in fact the people that live in the region made the ruins of the settlement a national monument and every year they celebrate "Leif Ericson" day.
Ericson was also know as "Leif the lucky" it seems to me he made a smart decision in abandoning the settlement and leaving. I suspect that for the first time in his life, he was afraid.
My post yesterday pointed out the possibility of a very bad situation, if we as researchers were to push to hard, to fast. Fear and common sense, has thus far prevented a researcher from "coming up missing" in the field.
I suspect that won't last much longer. In my studies I have read documentation of Sasquatches injuring and killing humans. I'm sure this will happen again and soon.
How many "missing hikers," and other people deemed as "Lost" really fell victim to an unfortunate "wrong place at the wrong time" scenario at the hands of these beings?
With what we think we now know, their numbers in certain areas are greater than previously estimated. Behavioral examinations by researchers and on photo and video seem to point out that they are aware of our intrusion. They seem to be afraid of us, when displaying most of the behaviors we see on camera. Tree peeking, hiding, watching from a safe distance, these acts we witness seem to point out a fearful creature.
What if it's not fear? What if it's a deliberate attempt to monitor our intrusion, and prepare for a possible attack on the family group? What if their intention is to assess the threat on themselves and their family.
If someone comes into your yard, you first identify who it is, watch what they're doing and then address the situation. A reaction to your neighbor standing in your yard would be different then say a prowler, sneaking around at night trying to imitate a friends voice. or silently trying to peek into your bedroom window.
As researchers, this is who we are to them.
We represent a direct threat to their community.
In the field we prowl around in their home "peeking through their windows, calling out, trying to imitate a friend or neighbor."
It must be so obvious that we are not who we pretend to be.
I'm sure they're thinking, "Here we go again, cant they just leave us alone?"
All of this I think about when considering the possibility of encountering a Squatch. Here in Florida we have a very high incidence of violent encounters with the Skunk ape.
There have been several reports of violent acts by unknown ape-like creatures on unsuspecting motorists and truckers.
One trucker was pulled over at a rest area sleeping and a Skunk ape tried to snatch him out of his truck. They seem to have in general a nastier attitude than other state's, possibly due to their already limited dry and diminishing habitat. This makes for interesting possibilities when considering an expedition to an active area. Caution and careful consideration is a big part of this equation.
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Protective Instincts In All Beings
It is to develop and protect himself and what is important to him. This development and protective instinct is evident in all the animals on earth and has been well documented in Primates. They look after their own.
As researchers this is a fact that should dominate our approach to field work. The theory exists that these creatures are Human-like and live in family groups in most areas. So, like us, in most cases the male is the protector, provider, hunter, while the female looks after and raises the young.
Now I'm not trying to downplay the female's roll as protector, I wouldn't want "Patty" chasing me down, grabbing me, and shaking me like a rag-doll.
It is safe to assume that like human beings, these family groups develop lifelong bonds. The result of this bond could only mean the existence and development of protective instincts and strong emotional bonds that would be very similar to man's.
Both the male and the female must have them. If surprised as a group with young present, the possibility for a violent reaction is probably very good.
In considering the size of the average squatch, the implications and possibilities of what could happen if one confronted a family group of Squatch's in the forest and surprised them or accidentally harmed one of the group members, I shudder.
Look at what happens when a primatologist finds a family group of silver-back gorilla's in the jungle. Certain "protective instincts" in the male are exhibited that are frightening. Yet to properly document the existence of these incredible Ape's, someone had to risk life and limb to get close enough to film the family group.
We will eventually have to do this.
"Who wants to be first?" is the real question.
The fact is....someone may end up a martyr.
The risk's involved with our research are great, we are at the fore-front. We are writing the initial documentation of the species....
For our species.
Our mistakes and triumphs will echo through the study of this subject. Jane Goodall has ball's the size of a dump-truck. I can only imagine the Passion that outweighed her common sense the day she approached a group for the first time. She made it out and went on to lead the research community for decades. Can we? Or will we simply become another missing Hiker?
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Ground Zero
In the ten years of personal investigations I have under my belt into this subject, I can tell you that my "Theories" have evolved side by side with the availability and documentation of credible evidence.
As a "Researcher" in this controversial subject I have endured many ups and downs in the confidence I had to continue.
Recently However I found a site that I believe is at the fore-front of legitimizing and debunking both photo and video evidence.
If you are "on the fence" as to weather you believe or want to believe in the existence of the North American Great Ape, I suggest you go to Facebook/find Bigfoot and join.
Review the photo's and video and listen to the commentary that compliments all of it.
If you are a thinking person, you can only come to one conclusion...That not only are these beings real, but, there are a tremendous amount of them living and prospering in the forests'and mountain regions of this continent.
I personally have no doubt as to the existence of this being and as a researcher I find that Facebook/findbigfoots conclusions are based on behavioral pattern's that have been well documented by way of eywitness testimony and photo/video evidence.
The most glaring fact that I have recognized from reviewing this site is;
Sasquatch are aware of us as a problem.
They also are on top of the situation as far as monitoring our intrusion into their habitat.
After seeing the patterns of behavior that are clearly pointed out on the video breakdowns, my excitement for field research has returned.
I have a renewed desire to work on this again, and thanks to this site have a new approach to my work in the field.
Excellent spots for research in the Glade's
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Clear your mind for a second and consider this:
If you walk outside your door as "God" made you or as you have "Evolved" here...naked in the middle of a snowstorm, you will freeze to death.
Ask yourself...
If as humans we evolved to this planet, why cant you just be... as you are without all the fuss to be comfortable?
Why do we need to clothe ourselves and and protect our feet with shoes. Why is this?
Think..........Asking the right questions is the key to the truth.
The reality is...
You are NOT evolved physically to handle the environments that exist on earth.
The environment that you supposedly evolved in over the course of millions of years.
You do not have rough padded soles on your feet, to protect you from the rough ground in the forests and mountains or any where else for that matter. Why, didn't you evolve here? Hmmmm.
You do not have a thick warm coat of long oily hair to protect you from the elements that dominate this planet. As other mammals do. Why? Didn't you evolve here?
You need clothing and lots of it.
The point I'm making here is that in no way are we as beings on this earth "naturally" adapted to our environment. We had to create our adaption to this planet. It wasn't a natural process. As is so obviously the case with all other creatures on earth.
We are the very definition of contradiction to evolution and quite frankly the theory that we "EVOLVED" to this planet is ludicrous.
However....I can think of one being that is perfectly adapted to this planet. They exist in a perfect harmony, and are "BUTT ASS NAKED 24/7!"
The Sasquatch.
They exist in an "Evolved harmony" with this planet. They are indeed evolved to planet earth physically in every way.
How then did we "De-Evolve" from what we were, into the pathetic helpless destructive creatures that we are now?
"We are not who we think we are."
The greatest lie that we as humans believe, is that we have moved forward in EVOLUTION to This planet.
When compared to every other creature on this planet, we are invasive, not native.
Who then are we?
How did this happen?
The logical answers are terrifying and thus....unacceptable to most.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
The end in sight?
If you really look at what "mainstream Science" really is, you'll see that in actuality most science is focused on existing species or most Zoologists are treading a worn trail, so to speak. The fact is, funding is really only available to these people in the field of studies deemed "respectably important" by a few institutions. Even government funding is regulated and restricted to certain fields of study. Why?
For us as Americans to think that the possibility of the existence of a species of Hominid other than humans on planet earth does not interest our government, is sheer stupidity. This would make no sense.
So....then why the lack of funding? Why the dismissive ridiculous explanations for all these credible sightings? The fact is that this subject has most definitely been researched by our planets best and brightest minds. As we all know they work for the U.S. government and you can bet that they already know the facts, and are monitoring all of our endeavors.
The number of people who are fortunate enough to encounter one of these creatures is growing every day. The dismissive attitude that these eyewitnesses endure is appalling. In his book Abominable Snowmen of the Americas Ivan T. Sanderson put it probably the best way I've ever heard.
"If someone walks out into the street and gets hit by a fast moving Chevy truck, It does no good for someone who wasn't there to see it happen, to walk up and say; Hey, that wasn't a Chevy truck that hit you, it was an man on roller skates, or maybe it was bicycle that hit you."
Unfortunately this is the norm that all eye-witnesses endure. The average eyewitness here in our country, didn't walk into a forest, or go camping or hiking and decide to create, in their minds, the vision of a giant hairy humanoid. We all know these things are probably the original inhabitants of this country and others.
The existence of a Sasquatch raises way to many questions that mainstream science simply isn't prepared to answer.
We all know what those questions are, and aren't really willing to talk about them ourselves, BUT THEY ARE VALID QUESTIONS IF SASQUATCH IS REAL!
Mainstream science and the "sleepwalkers" as I like to refer to most of our naive, and narrow minded population, is just not focused on the issue enough to even develop an opinion worth listening to.
I'm sorry...but there's a good chance that when this race of beings is verified, the mainstream public still probably wouldn't believe it was real until they could view one of these things in a zoo.
The situation we are in as investigators and researchers of the N. American Primate, resembles every major discovery in the history of human existence. I can picture Neanderthals kicking the poor guy out of his tribe for communicating about how he saw lightning strike a tree and start a fire. I wouldn't want to have been that poor bastard, they probably stoned him.
But like us, he followed the storm and waited for the strike. Eventually to bring home fire.
On that day, the world will know that every credible witness
was indeed hit by a "Fast moving Chevy Truck."
That the world we live in is not something that is understood...and that there are indeed things that go bump in the night, sometimes right in their own backyards
The fact is, we will continue with our search, and we will eventually "Bring Home Fire." But will our own government try to put that fire out?
I believe they will.
The good fight is not won with words. It is won with action.
So, get out there, sacrifice yourselves in the name of our very real scientific pursuit of the unclassified North American Ape.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
My actual research began more than ten years ago. Starting with a book I read by Ivan T. Sanderson. The book peaked my interest in the possibility of the existence of the "North American Great Ape" or A.B.S.M. of North America, as Sanderson coins.
To confirm my own standing on this controversial subject, I do not just believe...I know that these beings exist.
Yesterday, May 12, 2012 was the beginning of an official record of my investigative experiences within the Sasquatch/Skunk Ape research community here in South Florida.
We woke at around 5:30 a.m. and packed the remainder of our gear,
loaded the car and left for Ochopee, Florida and the "Skunk Ape Research Headquarters." David Shealy, the owner of the facility and renowned Skunk ape expert, agreed to speak with me to discuss his past experience on the subject. On the way out to the area for our meeting, my girlfriend Kelly, who's also my photographer, and I couldn't help but notice how vast the Everglades truly is as a habitat.
We arrived in Ochopee around 11:30 a.m. to find a few tourists taking photographs with each other in front of Skunk Ape statue that sits roadside.
The "Facility" as it's called, is rather small. However, it does have it's merits. An excellent collection of very large constricting snakes for one and an aviary with some very beautiful specimens that are also incredibly friendly. The staff is very polite and happy to assist in some hands-on interaction with the exhibits.
We walked up to find Shealy sitting in a chair out front. For Shealy, I imagine, the excitement of owning the Research center has worn off and would explain the perpetually irritated look on his face. He was, however, incredibly polite and concerned with all of his customers needs. He was in fact wonderful to talk to. I'm sure, having been approached by thousands of people in the last few years due to his mild celebrity status, has had to have affected his life in a big way.
I spoke with Shealy for nearly 2 hours in great detail regarding his upcoming series with the Discovery Channel and although he remained, for the most part, tight lipped as per his exclusive contract with the network, David Shealy remains convinced that his little corner of world will be ground zero for an explosive scientific find that will rock the world. In His own words, "It's not if we find it, it's when.... and it will be real soon."
Personally, I found Shealy to be a rather mellow, rational human being.
Certainly not the untruthful con-man that certain members of the
Crypto-Community have painted him up to be. I rather hope he succeeds in proving the damn thing exists. He certainly has earned it. Please chime in. Thanks again Dave.