I travel quite a bit on the Florida Turnpike especially along the forested stretches of the toll rd. Today I'm going on a short trip into central Florida Bass fishing with my brother.
The other day My companion and I were traveling the "Pike" when it suddenly occurred to me that from Ft, Lauderdale to the stretch we Paid our final toll was over a hundred miles and 4 separate counties.
It occurred to me that there have been sightings in all four of these counties on the turnpike. Of course each of the 4 counties had many many other sightings listed on the database I regularly check for updates, but the nature of these Turnpike sightings was very telling. They seem to fall into two categories.
1. The creature was traveling. They use the Turnpike and the surrounding forest along its length as a means to travel the length of the state of Florida an remain concealed the whole time.
2. The will reveal themselves on the Turnpike for a good reason; To feed on road kill. The Ft. Drum Sighting. Squatch observed by motorist hovering over dead dear on side of Turnpike in Ft. Drum area.
They will just walk out of the forest from the side of the road right in front of your car. They have been struck on several occasions by cars and in at least two that I know of the squatch objected to being hit by the car and retaliated violently by beating the shit out of the vehicle.
This sighting in particular, however ridiculous sounding, is a landmark sighting and one of my favorites to refer to because as the motorist sat helpless gripping the steering wheel as his car was being ferociously brutalized by a creature that is not supposed to exist, a Florida Highway Patrol Officer happened to arrive on the scene.
He unloaded a full clip into the Irate creature and watched it bound off into the swamp like he was packing a sling shot instead of a 45.
Turnpike sightings include a truck driver that was almost pulled from the cab of his rig at a turnpike rest stop and many, many others. I keep my camera close and my eyes on the treeline always. I don't think this is a very common occurrence but based on the facts, It does happen.
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